Tag: Spark plug
Inside a motorcycle HT lead and plug cap…
An often overlooked but critical part of a motorcycle ignition system is the HT lead and plug cap, if either of these fail the bike won’t run.
Inside a motorcycle ignition (spark plug) coil…
Motorcycle ignition coils play an important part in making the bike run, if they don’t work the bike won’t be able to produce a spark at the spark plug so the motorbike won’t run.
Why should spark plugs be replaced when servicing a motorbike?
Replacing the spark plugs is part of a normal motorcycle service, but why do they need replacing and why does the bike feel sharper and more responsive after the plugs have been replaced?
Combined spark plug caps and coils – What are they?
Motorcycle ignition (spark) systems have changed massively over the years from the early magneto/distributor mechanical type systems found on older 60’s and 70’s (and earlier) bikes, to the separate ignition coils found on many 80’s and 90’s bikes to the combined spark plug/coils (also called ‘coil on plug’ systems) found on modern bikes (first used…